
New Jersey Innovation Ecosystem: Breaking Through Barriers

EdgeDiscovery Magazine sat down with the NJECC team to discuss how they're working to eliminate systemic barriers to academic technology commercialization and turn challenges into opportunities.

NJECC to Host Statewide Commercialization Conference

The New Jersey Equity in Commercialization Collective (NJECC) announces its first annual commercialization conference, Innovation for Impact: Commercializing Academic Discovery, to be held on Thursday, October 27th, 2022 on NJIT’s campus in Newark, NJ.

NJIT-Led Team Wins a $1.25 Million Grant to Ensure Women Scholars Flourish as Inventors

Backed by a $1.25 million ADVANCE grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), a team of NJIT-led New Jersey scholars has set out to identify and eliminate barriers on university campuses to technology commercialization, such as patenting, licensing and the formation of startup ventures.

Edge Joins Forces with New Jersey Institute of Technology-Led team to Secure a $1.25 Million National Science Foundation (NFS) ADVANCE Grant

Supported by a $1.25 million ADVANCE grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Edge will work in conjunction with the New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology (CSIT) and NJIT’s collaborators in the New Jersey Equity in Commercialization Collective (NJECC). Collaborators in the NJECC also include New Jersey City University, Princeton University, Rowan University, Rutgers University, Seton Hall University, Stevens Institute of Technology and St. Peters University.

NSF ADVANCE Partnership: New Jersey Equity in Commercialization Collective (NJECC) Announces Advisory Board

The NSF ADVANCE Partnership: New Jersey Equity In Commercialization Collective is pleased to announce the formation of a 10-person Advisory Board to provide input and feedback on the strategic direction and progress of the project initiatives.

This program is supported by NSF ADVANCE Partnership: New Jersey Equity in Commercialization Collective

(NJECC), NSF award # 2300380.

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